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Once Upon A Book Storytelling Competition 2024/25

About the Competition


The Once Upon A Book Storytelling Competition is organised by the Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Section, Curriculum Development Institute (CDI), Education Bureau and supported by the Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD).

Aim & Objectives

The aim of the Once Upon A Book Storytelling Competition is to promote reading, as reading extensively provides students with powerful learning opportunities and contributes to whole-person development.

The objectives of the competition are to provide students with the opportunities to:

  • explore diverse narratives, characters, ideas, and emotions through reading;
  • express themselves freely, confidently, and creatively in English by sharing their passion for reading a book of their choice using a range of storytelling techniques;
  • develop their communication skills and creativity through a thoughtful video presentation of a book; and
  • cultivate values and attitudes through their engagement with books and storytelling.

The competition is open to primary and secondary school students.

Details will be released on 27 September 2024.


Briefing Session

Date : 27 September 2024
Time : 3-4 pm
Venue : Online via Zoom 
Registration : Training Calendar System

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