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"Week of Positivity" cum "Seed" Projects Experience Sharing Session 2023/24 - Well-being for Learning & Life: Values Education in English Language Education

The Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Section initiated a number of Collaborative Research and Development (“Seed”) projects in the 2022/23 school year to support the implementation of some of the major renewed emphases in the CDC English Language Education KLA Curriculum Guide (P1-S6) (2017) in both primary and secondary schools.  Teachers participating in the following “Seed” projects will share their project experiences:

  • Developing Students’ Creativity, Collaboration and Problem Solving Skills through Creating the Makerspace in the Junior Secondary English Language Classroom;
  • Read to Speak: Developing 21st Century Communication Skills through Interaction with Multiple genres and Multimodal Texts;
  • Thinking Routines for Writing: Optimising the Writing Experience Within and Beyond the English Language Classroom;
  • Building Character through Characters: Implementing Social and Emotional Learning in the English Language Classroom through Stories;
  • REEL to REAL: Learning English and Developing 21st Century Skills through Film-making in Key Stage 2;
  • Speaking to Writing: Using Oral Performance as a Foundation to the Writing of Texts in Key Stage 2; and
  • Glocalisation: Developing Students’ Language and Intercultural Competence through a Multicultural Language Arts Programme in KS2.

In support of the campaign on “Promoting Positive Values and Attitudes through English Sayings of Wisdom 2022/23”, “Week of Positivity”, a signature school-based activity, was organised in primary and secondary schools.  Teachers from some of these schools will share ideas for promoting positive values and attitudes in the context of English Language Education in their schools.

To view the presentation materials of each session, click on the title of the session from the drop-down menu below.

The images, photos and texts in the presentation slides are intended for educational purposes only. They must not be used for commercial purposes or any other use beyond the scope of educational activities without proper authorisation.  Prior consent should be sought and obtained from the NET Section before using or copying any of the materials. If you have any reason to believe that any information or content may infringe copyright or contain typographical errors, please notify us. Upon receipt of your notification, we will take follow-up action immediately.

Well-being for Learning and Life: Values Education in English Language Education

Well-being for Learning and Life: Values Education in English Language Education

School: Carmel Secondary School
Presenter: Dr Esther HO (Principal)

Synopsis: Learning and well-being are closely related. Research shows that children’s well-being affects their capability to engage with their education. Reciprocally, the more engaged youngsters are with education, the better the chances of them experiencing greater wellbeing as adults. Therefore, it is crucial for teachers to promote wholeperson development with emphasis given to the physical, social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual dimensions of well-being. Values education, an essential element to achieve whole-person development, echoes with various aspects of well-being. By nurturing priority values such as perseverance, care for others and empathy through interactive English learning activities in and outside classrooms, students build connections and rapport with their peers and teachers, which in turn positively influence their learning and well-being in the long term.

Please click here to download the presentation slides. 

Filmit @ STMC: Towards Integrating and Applying Knowledge and Skills and Fostering Students’ Wholeperson Development

School: Sha Tin Methodist College

Presenters: Ms KAM Pui Han (English Panel Chair), Mr TSANG Ho Hin and Ms CHEUNG Ka Man

Synopsis: Filmit has been an integrated part of the new senior secondary English Language curriculum in STMC. Through our sharing, we would like to share with participants how we align the project and the curriculum with the school policy: to promote self-directed learning and foster students’ ownership. The project is incorporated with writing and oral elements. Teachers will first introduce the implementation, logistic and student’s learning outcome in brief. We have also invited students who show tremendous passion in taking part in this project to share their reflections on their team’s progress, challenges faced and achievements made during the project learning.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Continuity and Progression in Learning: Adding Value and Values to English Language

School: St. Mary’s Canossian School and St. Mary’s Canossian College

St. Mary’s Canossian School
Mrs Janet WAN (Vice Principal)

St. Mary’s Canossian College
Ms Jenny CHAN (Vice Principal)

Synopsis: Teachers will come with us on our shared journey to positivity by experiencing how St. Mary’s Canossian School students were engaged in reading activities of the ‘bucket filling’ idea. This was further conceptualized thanks to St. Mary’s Canossian College students participating in inspiring experiential learning opportunities by facilitating their own lessons and interactive activities at the primary level. Teacher participants will be able to interact with students who engaged in our learning journey through authentic, hands-on activities which instilled priority values in our students at different key stages.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

A United Journey to a Positive Life via the Week of Positivity

School: St. Mary’s Canossian School and St. Mary’s Canossian College

St. Mary’s Canossian School
Mrs Janet WAN (Vice Principal), Ms Rebecca WONG (English Panel Chair) and Ms Naomi DE-ALWIS (NET)

St. Mary’s Canossian College
Ms Jenny CHAN (Vice Principal), Ms Elaine LAM (English Panel Chair) and Ms Bridget HO (Literature in English Panel Chair)

With both primary and secondary students

Synopsis: In this session, St. Mary’s Canossian School and St. Mary’s Canossian College will take you on our united journey of positivity. We will explain the principles which underpinned our Week of Positivity from Reading to Learn to Experiential Learning and of course values in action. Teacher participants will be able to interact with students who engaged in our learning journey through authentic, hands-on activities which instilled priority values in our students at different key stages. We will exemplify how to cross the divide between primary and secondary and how to provide students with real learning experiences within and beyond the classroom.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

REEL to REAL (R2R) – Learning English and Developing 21st Century Skills through

School: ELCHK Ma On Shan Lutheran Primary School and Jordan Road Government Primary School

ELCHK Ma On Shan Lutheran Primary School
Ms LI Tsz Ying, Cathleen (English Panel Chair) and Mr WONG Chi Ho, Leo (Vice-Panel Chair)

Jordan Road Government Primary School
Ms HO Man Lai, Angel (English Panel Chair) and Mr CHAN Chun Kuen (English Panel Chair)

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Values Education in English Language Education through Activities and Sports

School: Tsuen Wan Public Ho Chuen Yiu Memorial Primary School

Presenters: Mr Kevin SO (English Panel Chair) and Ms Suzan ROCHA (NET)

In this session, our school will present how we conducted Week of Positivity through our games day, board display and book display. In particular, we would like to share our experience of using different games and sports to inculcate positive values among students. These include beanbag throwing, hula hooping, basketball dribbling etc. An online platform ‘Mentimeter’ was also used to gather students’ ideas.
Besides, we will also share our vision to sustain the positivity-themed activities into students’ everyday regimen. Through integrating the activities into our weekly English Speaking Days, we hope to ensure regular reinforcement of positive values and attitudes.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Empowering Students to Actively Learn, Interact, and Grow within and beyond the Engish Classroom

School: Pui Shing Catholic Secondary School

Presenters: Ms WONG Hoi Yan, Janis (English Panel Chair), Mr Martin TSE (NET), Ms LEE Wing Yan, Wing (Deputy English Panel Chair) and Ms MAK Yi Lam, Elim

The re-establishment of a supportive, interactive, and positive Englishlearning environment within and beyond the classroom is one of the major concerns among English teachers in the post pandemic era. In this session, English teachers of Pui Shing Catholic Secondary School will illustrate their journey in empowering students to become more confident and collaborative learners through the Read to Speak Seed Project and activities organised for the Week of Positivity. 
The team will illustrate how authentic and scaffolded tasks, designed with reference to the Read to Speak 21st Century Literacy and Oracy Framework, help S1 students develop reading and speaking skills. Teachers will detail how different students achieved pre-set learning outcomes by interacting with multimodal texts and experimenting with collaborative learning. Teachers will also share how the benefits of the project were extended to students in other levels as they participate in fun and engaging English activities embracing positive values.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Unleashing Talents and Developing Positive Values in the English Week of Positivity

School: S.K.H. Tsoi Kung Po Secondary School

Presenters: Ms LO Kit Lin, Sharon  (English Panel Chair), Ms WONG Wing Yee, Mandy (Assist. Panel Head, Jr Form) and Mr WONG Cheuk Sing, Oska

Synopsis: In a remarkable endeavour to foster a positive English learning environment, S.K.H. Tsoi Kung Po Secondary School teachers designed a cross-curriculum unit favourable for developing students’ English language and social emotional articulation. By infusing RaC elements into the S.3 Music curriculum, students' reading competency and their understanding of the impact of lyrics are enhanced. Such outcomes were demonstrated in a captivating singing contest during the English Week of Positivity, which not only offered a platform to showcase students' talents but also exhibited their qualities of perseverance and responsibility. The unit has empowered them to ‘Sing Your Heart Out’.

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Tapping into one’s creativity and imagination: Every Student Can Be an Inventor

School: Queen Elizabeth School Old Students’ Association Branch Primary School

Presenters: Ms FONG Kin Yu, Ada (English Panel Chair) and Ms CHAN Yi Ting, Rachel (School Development Leader)

Critical thinking skills and creativity are two important skills that the students need in the future. As language teachers, we try to seek ways to incorporate these skills into students’ learning in an authentic and fun way. This MLA programme enables us to achieve it.
Students learn about inventions and inventors from around the world and how people from different cultures can work together on projects and share ideas. Students reflect on these inventions and innovations and how they can use the novel SCAMPER method. Students are encouraged to think creatively by synthesizing ideas and coming up with a new invention.
Throughout the unit, students learn that they are part of a global community and people are different. This understanding is essential when collaborating with others. Additionally, students study the language of STEM, research, and development through a variety of multimodal texts. The unit incorporates inquiry-based learning and a range of activities that utilize new technologies to scaffold students’ learning.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Reading Critically: Exploring a Moral Dilemma through the use of a Thinking Routine

School: Marymount Secondary School

Presenter: Ms Rebecca MARTYN

Synopsis: As part of the NET Section’s “Makerspace” project, teachers experimented with the use of Thinking Routines as a way to scaffold students’ learning. In this sharing, participants will be taken through a ‘lesson’ where the use of a Thinking Routine stimulates the critical reading of a text that presents a moral dilemma. This sharing is designed to show how other texts of a similar nature can be understood on a deeper level. In addition, we will explore how this activity can be adapted to suit students of varying reading levels.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Drama at Tak Sun Secondary School: Breaking Out of the Bubble

School: Tak Sun Secondary School

Presenters: Mr TONG Chi Man, John (English Panel Chair) and Mr Christopher JOSE (NET)

This presentation proposes integrating drama games, activities, and interactive student-centered learning into the junior secondary school English curriculum. It aims to embolden students who lack confidence in speaking English, as well as engage energetic learners who respond well to collaboration, movement, and role-playing.
The curriculum blends English readers with drama curriculum. In F1, students read The Prince and the Pauper and turn it into a radio drama snippet, rewriting the story into a script and acting out scenes vocally in groups. In F2, students read The Golden Touch, rewrite it into a script, and act out scenes in the classroom.
Both teachers and students face obstacles and challenges in traditional English classrooms. By working together to enliven English learning through drama integration, these challenges can be overcome. Students gain confidence in speaking English, learn collaboratively, and immerse themselves in the curriculum through active, dramatic participation.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Messages in the Numbers: Promoting Effective Communication Skills and Values Education through the ‘Read to Speak’ Project

School: Queen’s College

Presenter: Ms LEE Wing Chi, Yvonne (English Panel Chair)

Synopsis: Through the ‘Read to Speak’ project, English teachers of Queen’s College made use of authentic texts and tasks to develop their S3 students’ higher-order thinking and effective communication skills. In the course of learning, students were given opportunities to interpret and present numbers in such a way that made their messages more impactful to the target audience. By exploring environmental issues, students also reflected on their personal relevance and learnt more about the proactive approach adopted by different cities in the Mainland that makes meaningful contributions to a more diverse and interconnected world.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

From Pride & Prejudice to Care & Collaboration: Academic Conversation Skills to Show Respect for Others

School: St. Mary’s Canossian College

Presenters: Ms Jane YAP and Mr Sunny YEUNG

Synopsis: This year’s Read to Speak “Seed” Project produced a toolkit and better informed pedagogy to promote academic conversation skills. The learners’ cognitive abilities were found to be limited with skills such as paraphrasing, elaborating and challenging others being essential to their future studies. Instructional videos were created to aid the students with their understanding of two of the discussion skills. Meanwhile, the collaboration established more scaffolding of instruction related to Pride and Prejudice to ensure students could successfully complete the final task. This collaborative project attempts to: support students’ understanding of contemporary issues, develop their generic skills, and allow them to listen to and respond to others respectfully.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Puppetry Power: A Musical Celebration of Positivity

School: Po Yan Oblate Primary School

Presenters: Ms LAU Sau Ling (English Panel Chair) and Ms Maria WONG (NET) (2022-2023)

Synopsis: Immerse yourself in the charm of our award-winning musical play, The Enchanting Tale of Rainbow Fish, which revolves around the theme of positivity and sharing. Through insightful demonstrations, you will learn how to guide students on an emotional journey following Rainbow Fish’s path from pride to vulnerability, self-reflection, and the fulfillment found in sharing. You will also be able to experience the artistry of our puppet show elements, skillfully crafted to convey messages of positivity and sharing. Join us on this transformative expedition and uncover the remarkable power of positivity showcased in our celebrated production!

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Puppet Power: SOW the Seeds of Positivity

School: TWGHs Hong Kong and Kowloon Electrical Appliances Merchants Association Limited School

Presenter: Ms CHEUNG Hiu Yau, Zoe (English Panel Chair)

Synopsis: During the challenging period of the pandemic, it was easy to succumb to the feelings of gloom and despair. In recognition of this, our school created a captivating puppet show set in Sheung Shui, which portrays the lives of a family during the peak of the pandemic. Through this show, we aim to demonstrate how the characters undergo a transformative journey, learning to shift their perspectives by wearing "Gratitude Glasses." Our intention is to instill positive values and attitudes in our students. If you are interested in discovering how we successfully nurtured a sense of positivity in young hearts, we warmly invite you to join our upcoming sharing session!

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Inspiring Positivity through a Creative Approach to Writing - Speaking to Writing (S2W)

School: PLK Tin Ka Ping Millenium Primary School

Presenters: Ms Natalie SHIN (English Panel Chair) and Mr Lee GLADREY (NET)

In this session, teachers will share their journey of implementing the Speaking2Writing Seed project.
This engaging teaching framework is powerful because it is based on the principles of how children learn. It enables children to imitate the language they need for a particular topic orally, before reading and analysing it, and then writing their own version.
Teachers will also detail how they incorporated positive attitudes and values whilst using this creative and effective approach to writing. Teachers will share future plans as they expand the number of units being developed whilst creating a positive classroom culture where values education is promoted.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Innovative Integration: From Passivity to Proactivity

School: Sheung Shui Government Secondary School

Presenters: Mr LAM King Tai, Ms LO Ki Ling, Kitty Magdalena-Maria, Ms LUI Shuk Ying, Ms TAM Wai Yan and Ms LIM Pui Wai, Charlotte (Deputy English Panel Chair)

Synopsis: Come and see how students were inspired to express their ideas through using scaffolded and diversified tasks building to a group speaking and discussion activity. The Read to Speak project allowed teachers to support and facilitate learning so that students uncovered hidden language which became a springboard for greater understanding of topics. In this sharing session you can experience the step by step collaborative process of responding to images to build a group presentation of your own.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Innovative Integration: Thinking Routines

School: Maryknoll Fathers’ School

Presenter: Ms YEUNG Cheuk Yu, Debbie 

Synopsis: The use of Thinking Routines makes writing easier and provides a comfortable classroom environment for students to build confidence in their ability to use English. This session will highlight how routines were used with three different text types in the classroom. You will learn about how problems were identified and addressed and ways in which students were encouraged to develop and expand upon ideas by utilising learning frameworks and structures routinely.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.


Folding and Unfolding the Power of Diligence – SELebrate the Making of an Origami Master

School: Dr. Catherine F. Woo Memorial School

Presenters: Ms LUI Wai Man, Iris, Ms LAW Mung Chi, Sytry, Ms FENG Pi Ying, Maggie, Ms CHAN Mei Wah, Stella, Ms LAM Hau Yin, Kathy and Ms Anatasiia VINTONIAK

Synopsis: In this session, the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Team will introduce how values education is integrated with English Language Education. Focusing on the theme of diligence, students were first led to recognise traits of diligence in a story character and subsequently given the opportunities to practise self-discipline in tasks that develop the traits. By showcasing samples of students’ work including multiple trials of origami activities, teachers will explain how they used a journal incorporating the “TFAR” tool, Thoughts (T) affect Feelings (F) and Actions (A) leading to Results (R), to promote self-awareness. An online platform.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Building Bridges: Promoting Positivity Within & Beyond the Classroom

School: Dr. Catherine F. Woo Memorial School

Presenters: Ms YUEN Mei Ha, Cecily (English Panel Chair), Ms Stephanie CARTER (NET) and Ms Anastasiia VINTONIAK

‘Building Bridges: Promoting Positivity Within and Beyond the Classroom’ is about building connections between teachers, students and parents, through creating exciting, nurturing and fun activities to promote positive values.
The presenters will take you on a journey of exploring two weeks full of collaboration work between children and adults, where students had an opportunity to discover the true meaning of a positive mindset, cherishing life, diligence, empathy and respect for diversity.
Our students completed daily challenges to follow their path of positivity, do you think you could keep up with them? Join our sharing to find out!

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Time to Talk...Time to Listen (to Your Students)

School: S.K.H. Yan Laap Memorial Primary School

Presenters: Ms LI Muk Ching, Mavis (English Panel Chair) and Mr Gavin MASSINGHAM (NET)

In this experience-sharing presentation “Time to Talk…Time to Listen (to your students)” the teachers of the winning team in Time to Talk competition 2022/23 will discuss their philosophy of focusing primarily on the students’ learning journey.
A student selection process considering synergy between members as more important than language and academic ability will be explored.
The benefits of ensuring student ownership of their presentation will be highlighted.
Practical tips on helping students deliver authentic and at times improvised speeches that resonate with the audience will be given.
The session will conclude with Q&A so everyone can learn together.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Talking under the Influence of Values

School: CCC Hoh Fuk Tong College

Presenters: Ms Jaffa KWAN (English Panel Chair) and Mr Abdul Razaz Kwabena WILSON (NET)

Synopsis: In this session, the team will explore the importance of promoting wellbeing in the teaching and learning context. They will delve into strategies like building a supportive network and setting realistic goals. Additionally, the value of continuous learning and practising gratitude is emphasised. Anecdotal referencing to students' most recent achievements in TTT and how they embrace challenges along with group dynamics to reduce stress of public speaking will be demonstrated.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

Empowering Educational Minds through Filmmaking: Authentic Learning, Cross-curricular Collaboration and Beyond!

School: ELCHK Wo Che Lutheran School

Presenters: Ms Kammy CHAN (English Panel Chair) and Mr Luke JENKINSON (NET) 

In this session, our Filmit team will discuss authentic learning through cross-curricular participation.
We explore the concept of empowering students to become active participants, regardless of their backgrounds and English competence. We aim to provide an opportunity and a platform for all to showcase their talents.
We will also discuss how students develop a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of knowledge and skills they learn in school. Finally, we highlight how true collaboration brings diverse perspectives and expertise to the table, enabling us to work collectively towards the common goal of a real-world task.

Please click here to download the presentation slides.

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