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About the Competition

The Story to Stage Puppetry Competition for Primary Schools is organised by the NET Section of the Education Bureau. The Puppetry Team of the NET Section provides a professional development workshop and a cluster meeting for teachers of participating schools. Professional advice will also be given to schools to help enrich the learning and teaching of English language through puppetry. This competition supports our commitment to catering for learner diversity and our belief that by creating a variety of learning opportunities, we can meet the needs of different students and foster their language and whole-person development.

Puppetry is an effective and versatile learning tool with a unique approach to the development of literacy skills in a fun and engaging manner. To enable students to make the most of the competition, it would be preferable if the EDB native-speaking English teacher (NET) and a local English teacher (LET) could collaborate to train and support a team of three to five students from KS1, KS2, or a combination of both. Teachers are expected to guide the students through selecting a story, devising a script, designing puppets and props, and applying puppetry skills in their performance.

In situations where they are not deployed to directly support the competition, EDB NETs could contribute in one or more of the following ways:

  • helping with selecting a story and script writing;
  • offering training in pronunciation, and/or voice expression and projection;
  • advising on the use of puppetry techniques and/or puppet design;
  • advising on the use of special effects; and
  • giving comments during rehearsals.

Please refer to the menu on the left-hand side of our website ( to explore the range of support services and resources offered by the Puppetry Team.

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