Respect for Life
Task Idea 1
Self-management: |
Responsible decision-making: Solving problems |
Relationship skills: Relationship building
Social awareness: Respect for others
What does respect for others look like and sound like in different places? Interview 2 family members or 2 friends. Design a poster. |
Task Idea 2 |
Self-management: Self-motivation |
Self-awareness: Self-efficacy |
Responsible decision-making: Reflecting |
Relationship skills:
Social awareness:
What does respect for our planet mean to you and your family? Capture your ideas in a Word Cloud. Turn them into an action bingo for your family. Invite everyone to make a pledge.
Task Idea 3 |
Self-management: Self-motivation |
Self-awareness: Accurate self-perception |
Responsible decision-making: |
Relationship skills:
Social awareness: Appreciating diversity
What does self-respect look like? Imagine hearing your friend or your inner voice speaking negatively. How would you encourage him or yourself? |
Task Idea 4 |
Self-awareness: |
Responsible decision-making: Ethical responsibility |
Relationship skills: Communication
Social awareness: Respect for others
How have we shown respect in our community during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Credit: Freepik: Free Vectors
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