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Introduction to the Values Education Learning Hub

The Values Education (VE) Learning Hub aims to equip educators with effective strategies and resources to cultivate positive values and attitudes in students by integrating values education in English language education.

Our mission is to empower teachers with the knowledge and skills to promote the twelve priority values: perseverance, respect, responsibility, national identity, commitment, integrity, benevolence, law-abidingness, empathy, diligence, unity and filial piety by integrating them into their English classrooms.

We provide a platform for educators to connect, share insights and tackle challenges together. Ample opportunities will be created to enable educators to exchange pedagogical approaches, share relevant learning and teaching experiences, and share best practices for integrating values education in English language education.

Together, let us create an environment that not only supports students’ development of language skills but also cultivates students’ positive values and attitudes for life.


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