NET Scheme News 2024 Summer issue 46

Newsletter Editorial Team Adys Wong (Editor) Simon Boldy Proofreading Team Simon Boldy Stephen Cooley Hannah Standring Ritika Sethi This newsletter is prepared by the NET Section, CDI, EDB. All comments and suggestions on the newsletter can be sent to Contents 1 Message from the Chief Curriculum Development Officer of the NET Section Teamwork Makes the Dream Work 2 PDNETwork How PDNETwork Assists Learning Communities 6 Learning Hubs Fostering Collaborative Learning:The Power of Communities of Practice in Education through Learning Hubs (LH) 10 Thinking Routines for Writing Thinking Routines and VR Cave: Emulating a Volunteering Visit to Hong Kong’s Coffin Homes 12 Other Learning Experiences Using Pop Culture to Foster Other Learning Experiences: Collaboration through Cooking 14 Public Speaking Public Speaking – Building Skills and Making Connections 16 The Art of Puppetry A Fantastic Theatrical Journey from ‘Story’ to ‘Stage’ with Puppetry 20 Drama Competition Speak Up – Act Out is Back on Stage 22 Collaborative Project Speaking to Writing: A Journey into Words and Wonder Communities of Practice: Fostering Collaboration and Innovation 2024 Summer issue 46 TheNET Section,EducationBureau To enhance the teaching content, teachers can exercise their professional judgment and consult relevant scholarly work when adopting the learning and teaching resources prepared by educators and other teachers. In support of the implementation of the English Language Education KLA Curriculum, teachers can also select appropriate parts of the resources for classroom learning or extended learning based on pedagogical consideration and the learning needs of students.