NET Scheme News 2023 Summer issue 44

Many English teachers have been gearing up for the new academic year, even during their well-earned summer holidays. If you are looking for something to kickstart the new term,why not look at further developing your professional learning? The NET Section has organised a series of engaging Centralised Professional Development (CPD) programmes for English teachers at both primary and secondary levels throughout the 2023/24 school year, focusing on a range of themes. We will also be utilising The Learning Hub, a professional network that we piloted in the last school year. The learning hubs are communities of practice aimed at promoting best teaching practices and developing professional knowledge. In March 2023, we organised a pilot learning hub cluster meeting to discuss ways to plan for an English print and aural-rich environment, both inside and outside the classroom, in order to enhance students’ learning experiences. Four primary schools shared their effective practices to extend English learning beyond the classroom through the use of augmented reality, e-learning platforms, as well as learning through play and theme-based activities such as Pancake Day. We would love for you to come to the learning hubs prepared to share with us and your peers about the things you’ve been doing to enliven your students’ English learning experiences. Let’s share the positivity and encourage growth! Creating an English-rich environment in school enriches the literacy experiences of students. In this issue, read on to find out how dedicated English teachers designed a language- rich environment conducive to students’ active application of the English language and their development of social emotional expression. Be inspired by how a school designed fun and engaging learning activities that leveraged national security education and introduced STEAM through English; innovative teaching methods in the classroom for students with physical disabilities, and many more creative learning and teaching ideas. Finally, we are thrilled to announce that the theme of our annual sharing, to be held on 21 October 2023 (Saturday), is going to be “Well-being for Learning and Life – Values Education in English Language Education”. Stay tuned and visit our webpage, or reach out to your Advisory Teacher for more details about our exciting programmes. Enjoy this issue! to the latest issue of NET Scheme News, and the new term! Scan the QR code for more information on the CPD programmes 1 NET Scheme News Issue 44 Message from CCDO (NET)