NET Scheme News 2023 Summer issue 44

Newsletter Editorial Team Adys Wong (Editor) Brenda Choy (Editor) Simon Boldy Proofreading Team Simon Boldy Stephen Cooley Hannah Standring Ritika Sethi This newsletter is prepared by the NET Section, EDB. All comments and suggestions on the newsletter can be sent to Contents 1 Message from the Chief Curriculum Development Officer of the NET Section Welcome to the latest issue of NET Scheme News, and the new term! 2 Language-rich Environment Are you bored of your boards? 4 Human-AI Creative Writing The First Human-AI Creative Writing Contest for Hong Kong Secondary Schools 6 Innovative Teaching Innovative Teaching in the Special Education Needs (SEN) Classroom 7 NET Section: Fostering Collaboration; Driving Innovation Pull-out Poster: Student Competitions 11 Social & Emotional Learning Incorporating Social and Emotional Learning into English Language Education through the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond 12 Cultivating Positivity Cultivating Positivity: A Year of Inspiring Initiatives in the English Language Curriculum 14 Experiential Learning Primary 3 ‘World Trip’ — PLK Grandmont Primary School 16 The Impact of Positivity Nurturing Love for Learning, Possibility, and Positivity 18 Space Tour Flying into Space! LEARNING beyond THE CLASSROOM 2023 Summer issue 44 TheNET Section,EducationBureau C M Y CM MY CY CMY K NET Cover_issue 44_Cover_OUT.pdf 1 29/8/2023 10:50 AM